The conductor gives her last call, the train whistle blows. You run across the platform, holding your hat to your head, suitcase flying behind you. You jump through the open doorway just in time. The conductor smiles at you. "First stop,
Cherie Colyer. Look to your left for some fine examples of blogosphere scenery."
The other passengers oooh...
and ahh...
and oooh some more.
"You should take your seat. You'll be much more comfortable." You follow the conductor up front and slide into an empty seat. She stands, beaming in front of the whole car, her body moving naturally with the rhythm of the train.
"Next stop is
Theresa Milstein," she informs everyone. Then she leans down to whisper in your ear. "Of course, we won't
really be stopping there. It's haunted, you know. The old houses are filled with
vampires I hear." She straightens up, her face never changing expression, and winks at you. The town whizzes by. The place definitely looks scary. No one seems upset that you didn't stop.
"We are now entering the town of
Trisha-" The conductor catches herself on one of the poles as the train lurches left to right. The wheels squeak horribly and you throw your hands over your ears. "And by the looks of it we're going to be staying here a while."
She slides open the door and pokes her head out. Someone calls to her and she answers back. You wait to learn what's going on. "Okay, it looks like you folks are going to have to get off for a bit. But don't worry, this place is full of attractions." You file off with everyone else. She hops out and starts walking toward the front of the train. You look around and a sign catches your eye.
Most Beautiful:
Pocket Writing
Most Helpful:
Never Feel Bad About Squashing A.N.T.s Again
Most Popular:
Bess Weatherby - Closet Novelist
Most Controversial:
This Message is Brought to You By Brooke's Inability to Write Book Reviews
Most Successful:
Where's the Finish Line? -Pointing- It's Behind Me
Most Underrated:
If You Give Your Muse a Makeover
Most Prideworthy:
First Rejection
A shrill whistle signals that it's time to return to the train. And you'd been having such fun. Oh, well. You'll have just as much fun where you're headed. You climb back onto the train, at a normal pace this time, and resume your seat. The conductor plops down next to you. "Don't mind if I sit here do you?" You shake your head.
"Thanks," she smiles then turns around to face the seats. "We will now continue on to
Steph Sinkhorn. You lucky ducks who are getting off here are in for a real treat. The town is holding its annual Agent Carnival. You'll have lots of chances to win books and other prizes."
When the train stops, there's a holdup at the door as everyone tries to push through at once. "One at a time. One at a time," the conductor orders from her seat.

The train is strangely quiet as it starts moving again. "People do love a good book." The conductor sure is a talker. "Personally, my favorite is the next stop. Music is more my thing." She raises her voice. "If you're getting off at the
Sarah Pearson station, better get ready."
There's a big welcome sign at the edge of town and another one at the station and another as you pass back out into the open countryside. "Friendly people, Pearsonians."
Suddenly it goes dark. You look out the window to see a cluster of clouds swarming the sun. "Of course, they have to be. Otherwise they would never be able to live so close to their demonic neighbors."
Yvie Gonya. If you want off, you're going to have to jump. No stops here." The conductor leans over you, gazing out the window. "Looks like the carnival's in town here, too. I pity the fools that go for those prizes however."
You and the conductor are the last ones left in the car now. It feels strange to sit there with all the empty seats behind you. You're anxious for your stop. "
Figment." You hop up. The conductor stands to open the doors for you. "Don't forget, you have to
register at the gate before you can get to the main attraction. And here's a
pamphlet for more information." The conductor shoves a piece of paper into your hand.
You step off the train, and immediately it's off, heading on to its afternoon stops.