Monday, July 25, 2011

NaNo In, NaNo In, Nano In August

7 days until Camp NaNoWriMo

As I have mentioned before, my rewrite of THE LULLABY is taking longer than expected. A whole year longer. I'm making progress, but it's going very slowly. I'm at 22,210 words and I'm aiming for around 70k. Which, if you do the math, means I need about 50,000 more words. Camp NaNoWriMo is the perfect solution.

Instead of being in November, Camp NaNoWriMo is held in July and August. You still have to write a 50k novel in a month, you just get to pick which month. I'm cheating by working on an already existing project, but it has to be done.

National Novel Writing Month has always driven me to write. It played a large part in the writing of both my WIPs. I've tried similar challenges, but they don't give me the same push. I'm hoping Camp NaNo will give me the determination to push through since it's an official offshoot of NaNo. (Funny how our minds work.)

You can find me on the Camp NaNoWriMo site here and feel free to be my writing buddy on the official NaNoWriMo site. My username is brooke_the_writer.

What drives you to write?


  1. Good luck, Brooke! It is weird how NaNo seems to be the only way to actually get things written!

  2. I love NaNo. Well, I guess any kind of WriMo is my friend! Like you, I'm always spurred on by these challenges and get a whole heap done that I wouldn't have otherwise!

  3. There are so many NaNo's. Soon there will be one in every month.

  4. The last two years I've done the nano in November. I had no idea there was a nanocamp in the summer (I wouldn't have been able to do it anyway--this summer has been nuts). That's so cool. Good luck.

    Oh, I plan to do November again (do the second book in the zombie series--the first zombie book was from last years nano. I'm close to having the edits done on that one). So if you want a writing buddy then, let me know. :)

  5. Good luck. 22k is good progress.

    I have no idea what drives me to write. I don't do NaNo's. Sometimes a story takes hold and I have to write it. It helps if I have a vague sense of where it will go, which keeps me interested.
