Monday, April 01, 2013

National Poetry Writing Month + A Hiatus Update

April 1st marks a special day in my writing life. It is the first day of National Poetry Writing Month, or
NaPoWriMo for short. NaPoWriMo is a month-long challenge where the goal is to write a poem every day. This will be my third year participating.

Many participants post their poems online and I am one of them. A poem will be put up later today and then every day after until May 1st. To see my past poems, you can go to my Samples page or scroll through the posts under my NaPoWriMo label. If you are interested in seeing others poems, there is a list of participants' sites on the NaPoWriMo site.

I've been looking forward to NaPoWriMo. Last year, it helped me get through an emotional time. I'm hoping that this year it will help me work out my thoughts and feelings about various things going on in my life right now. W. H. Auden said, "Poetry might be defined as the clear expression of mixed feelings." I believe he's right.

In preparation for NaPoWriMo, I bought a new notebook. It's bitty and fits in my hand. This makes it easy for me to carry it around. You never know when inspiration will strike. Also, I have a few ideas stored in my head that should get me through the first few days. I'm ready!

If you would like to take part in NaPoWriMo as well, check out their website. Don't forget to add your blog to the participants' list if you are going to be posting your poems.

However, though I will be posting very regularly in April, I am not officially coming out of my semi-hiatus. While I am nearly ready for it, my life is not. If that makes sense. But soon. I think it will be soon. Until then, my only posts should be my poems. Just as a warning. ;P