Sunday, July 01, 2012

NYR Update - 6 Months

Half of the year is over. Well actually, half of the year is not over until 11:59 PM on July 2 passes. But we're close enough, right? No? At least I'm correct that this is the first of the month then. And boy, did it get here fast! (This does not go against our agreement to not mention how quickly the month has gone by.) Unfortunately, I also wrote up this report pretty fast.
  1. I will have complete THINKING OF YOU's ready for query first round of revisions. I received three critiques for my first two chapters and so far have implemented changes suggested in one. I am currently working with two potential critique partners for this work thanks to Rachael Harrie's Beta Match.
  2. I will have two new first drafts. NA
  3. I will win National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo).
  4. I will submit at least two short stories to anthologies and/or contests. NA
  5. I will read at least one hundred books. I read two books this month and am currently reading two others. Goodreads announces that I am seven books behind.
  6. I will post at least one vlog a month. NA
  7. I will exercise in some way once a week. The second week (June 10-16) I went on a two and a half mile run and a short hike. The fourth week (June 24-30) I went swimming twice.
I am not going to mope around about how little I got done this month. OSAI was an incredible experience that I hope to have again next summer and the two after that. Instead, I'm going to be happy that I started my new revising schedule today and that I got this post up on time.

How likely do you think it is that I can get half a year's worth of progress done before June 2 ends?


  1. On your athletic goals, I recommend "My Fitness Pal". It's a free application that is wonderful for tracking what you eat and how much exercise you get in one day. I log in every day.

    1. Well, I definitely need something to help me remember when I exercise. I'll check it out.

  2. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves. I think having a list is the idea scenario. We have to be more flexible in actual life, right? You're ambitious and making great progress!

    1. Thanks, Theresa. I'm glad someone thinks I'm making progress. Maybe I just don't feel like I am because my revising goal is my big goal, and it's the one I'm doing the worst on.

  3. I'm going to be like you and also not mope about how little I've got done in the past month. Sometimes real life just HAPPENS and gets in the way of our plans! I shall instead look forward and set new writing goals :-)

    1. That's the spirit, Rachel! And how don't see how you could even get anything close to "little" done.
